When Lorraine first did a session with me, she did one to increase energy and overall wellness. As a busy working mom, I often relied on caffeine and sugar to boost me throughout the day. I felt the results the next morning- I awoke more alert, and felt like I had a very restful night sleep. I’ve felt the energy boost for months after our session.

I’ve also benefitted from a Healing Touch session with Lorraine where she focused on a recent ankle injury. It was slowly healing from a fracture, and Lorraine focused on the recovery of this area. The next week, my ankle was less stiff and more flexible in the morning. I am almost fully recovered. I feel like this has been hastened from the beneficial visits with Lorraine.

Lorraine has a down to earth quality that sets you at ease. She takes the time to get to know your areas of concern in a comfortable manner. I would recommend anyone with an interest in total body wellness try a Healing Touch session with her.
— Susan W.


Lorraine is a professional, compassionate practitioner, who I am glad to call my peer. I know that her clients are in good hands, and I highly recommend her.

In addition, I have had several Healing Touch sessions with Lorraine for joint pain. Her insights are spot on, and after each session my pain was greatly diminished. I felt incredibly relaxed and rejuvenated with better joint flexibility.
— Mary, CHTP

I am a Massage Therapist and have provided co-treatments with Lorraine for patients in the hospital setting. I can attest to experiencing a big difference in patient’s ability to relax more easily and quickly with Lorraine’s work; as well the massage therapy treatment being more effective in a shorter amount of time when co-treating with Lorraine. She is very professional, compassionate, well trained, and skilled at Healing Touch. I would recommend her to anyone.
— Laura E. - Board Certified Massage Therapist