How was Healing Touch developed?

In the early 1980s, Janet Mentgen, a RN nurse in clinical practice, began to study complementary therapies—in particular, energy therapies. In the nursing tradition, she began to teach what she had learned. As her teaching evolved, Mentgen included techniques from other healers and ones she intuitively developed.  She founded Healing Touch in 1989 as a continuing education program for medical and nursing schools, which has expanded to massage therapists, other health care professionals and lay persons. It is safe for all ages, and is complementary to standard medical care. Healing Touch is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.  

What is relaxation response?

The counterpart to the fight-or-flight response, the relaxation response occurs when the body is no longer in perceived danger, and the autonomic nervous system functioning returns to normal. The relaxation response can be induced through techniques such as meditation, yoga and energy therapies when a person deeply relaxes their body and their mind. With this relaxation comes increased blood flow that increases oxygen levels throughout the body and allows increase absorption of nutrients, enzymes help digestion, and toxins are released.  In this state, cells regenerate, hormones are regulated and the body supports an environment for healing.

What happens to the body during “fight or flight” response?

The release of the stress-hormones adrenalin and cortisol raises the heart rate and blood pressure, and over time can weaken immunity. When frequent stresses cause the response, the body remains in this heightened state, and does not get a break between stress-hormone affects.   

What issues can benefit by Healing Touch?

Research suggests that Healing Touch is beneficial for:

  • Calming anxiety

  • Reducing symptoms of depression

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Enhancing recovery from surgery

  • Minimizing side effects from cancer treatment

  • Complementing care for neck and spine problems

  • Deepening spiritual connection

  • Creating a sense of well-being

  • Easing acute and chronic conditions

  • Supporting resiliency in health care and counseling providers

What is energy therapy like Healing Touch?

Energy therapies like Healing Touch are based on the energy centers, or chakras, of our bodies. We know that emotions can cause us to have a headache or muscle tightness.  In turn physical issues can affect sleep and how we feel emotionally.  Healing Touch treats the integrated mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person.  As energy is balanced and the body deeply relaxes, the whole integrated person benefits.

What can you expect during a session?

Clients should wear comfortable clothing. The first session involves an assessment in addition to the Healing Touch session. The practitioner will gather background information about the client’s physical, mental and emotional situation.  Then the client lays fully clothed on a massage table with the practitioner gently placing his or her hands slightly above or on the body.  The session generally lasts for 45-60 minutes.  Clients frequently report feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful during and after the session, and a reduction or dulling of pain. Results may vary.

How many sessions are necessary for relief?

Generally a client will find more lasting relief in 2-3 sessions, but may find significant relaxation after the first session.  Results may vary. Chronic physical issues may also have an emotional aspect to them, and may take longer to subside. Some clients whose work is stressful and demanding may make Healing Touch a regular part of their ongoing self-care.

What is required for Healing Beyond Borders certification?

The Healing Touch curriculum includes five levels of courses which guide the student through introductory energy therapy concepts, then move to more complex assessment and intervention.  The curriculum concludes with higher-level interventions and instructions for establishing a practice. The fifth level of training requires 100 sessions similar to an internship to demonstrate mastery of techniques, and is overseen by an instructor mentor. 

Hands-on requirements for certification include a number of study areas which broaden the student’s experience and background in energy therapies, ethics, standards of practice and self-care, and an in-depth case study. Certification through Healing Beyond Borders is supported by its research department and expertise in health care integration.

Does everyone find relief with Healing Touch?

Yes, but it is like massage.  If a client tenses up and resists, the practitioner will have a challenge using techniques to help you fully relax. The most effective way to get results in Healing Touch is to be mentally open to the therapy, and remain quiet and free from distractions. 

What is the difference between Healing Touch and Reiki?

The word Reiki, meaning universal life energy, is an ancient system of healing that was rediscovered in the late 1800s by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. Reiki is passed on from master to student through attunement. This attunement is understood to open the student’s energy channels, thus facilitating the flow of universal life energy for treating others and oneself. 

There is no assessment or attempt to manipulate or balance the energies. The Reiki method allows the flow of universal life energy to the recipient, who in turn uses it where needed. Reiki also results in deep relaxation, relief from anxiety and pain, and an increased sense of well-being.

References: Healing Beyond Borders, Journal of the Advanced Treatment in Oncology, Harvard Health Blog, University of MN: Taking Charge of your Health and Wellness and The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, MD.